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Designators are CRAMs and PyCRAMs way of representing actions, motions, objects and locations. However at the moment only action and motion designator are implemented in PyCRAM.

Designators, in PyCRAM, consist of an instance of the respective class which holds a description with all parameter necessary, as instance attributes. In the following we will reefer to the parameter as properties of the respective description. Below you can see a few examples which should help understand the usage of designators.

MotionDesignator(MoveMotionDescription(target=[1,1,0], orientation=[0, 0, 0, 1])) 

This motion desigantor holds a description of type MoveMotionDescription meaning it describes moving the robot around. The parameter or properties are 'target' which represents the coordinates in world frame of where the robot should move and 'orientation' which is the orientation the robot should have after moving.

The convention for naming descriptions is: the type of this description, followed by the type of designator it is meant for and lastly the word 'description'.

Motion Designator

Motion designator represent a low-level motion of a robot like driving or moving joints. This type of designator