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doc:guidelines [2013/12/13 15:51] gkazhoya
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 +===== CRAM Programming Guidelines =====
 +==== Collaborative Development ====
 +If you're working on a package that other people are working on / are using, please try to stick to the following guidelines:
 +  * Always use the GIT version control system when developing
 +  * One commit per feature with a meaningful commit message
 +  * Send a //pull request// through GitHub, when:
 +    * you want somebody to review your code
 +    * you want your code to be tested on a different machine than yours
 +    * you want to notify people of changes in the interface (?) <- do we want to do it this way, or announce interface changes differently
 +  * ...
 +==== Development of Roslisp Packages ====
 +Relevant documentation: [[|Package.xml Ref]]
 +  * No manifest.xml's :) If you create a new package, please stick to //catkin//
 +  * As a ''<build_depend>'' only specify all the rosdep keys or ROS packages that your package requires at build-time, e.g. other ROS package sources, library headers. Whereas, ''<run_depend>'' is for rosdep keys and ROS packages that your package needs at run-time, e.g. shared libraries, executables, Python modules, launch scripts. \\ For example, you should put ''sbcl'' as a build dependency for all your Lisp packages. Although we don't explicitly use ''sbcl'' when ''catkin_make''-ing our Roslisp packages, you will still need ''sbcl'' in the next step of your compilation process (inside emacs slime). For all packages where ''sbcl'' is a build dep, it will be automatically ''sudo apt-get install''-ed by ''rosdep'' when you first cloned the source code of that package and ran ''rosdep'' on it. On the other hand, you actually don't need a Common Lisp compiler during the execution of your compiled Lisp ''*.fasl'' executives, so I guess you don't need ''sbcl'' as a run dep (is this actually correct?)... A good example of this is: ''<build_depend>libsomelib1.6-dev</build_depend>'', whereas ''<run_depend>libsomelib1.6</run_depend>''. More documentation for this can be found [[|here]].
 +  * Use ''<export><deprecated /></export>'' to tag deprecated packages
 +  * ...
 +  * The license for all CRAM code should be BSD
 +  * Put links to github into the ''<url type="bugtracker">'' and ''<url type="repository">'' tags
 +  * ...
 +**my-package-name.asd files**
 +  * Put it into the root of your source directory, no need for symbolic links and asdf directories
 +  * Always explicitly specify dependencies on //all// the Lisp packages, symbols of which you use in your code (even if the dependency is transitive and is automatically added by other packages that you depend on because of hierarchical dependencies) <- is this actually clear?
 +  * ...
 +==== Coding Style ====
 +  * Pay attention to the indentation! :D
 +  * Try not to exceed 80 symbols in width in your code
 +  * Lisp names (variables, classes, methods, packages) are all lowercase with dashes in between: my-awesome-lisp-variable
 +  * Do you usually get that feeling that something is underdocumented? :) Think about that when writing your own code. (not that the author of this guideline always sticks to the rules herself hmm...)
 +  * ...
 +  * ROS packages' names are usually lowercase with underscores in between: my_awesome_ros_package
 +  * ...
 +==== Testing ====
 +The preferred Lisp package for writing simple unit tests is [[|lisp-unit]].
 +**Running existing tests**
 +Just do
 +<code>,r-l-s ROS_SYSTEM_TO_TEST asdf-system-to-test-tests</code>
 +The asdf system for tests usually has either the ''-tests'' suffix, or ''-test'' suffix.
 +And then:
 +,!p asdf-system-to-test-tests
 +That's all.
 +**Writing unit tests for your functions**
 +TODO: here should go a link with some testing tutorial
 +If lisp-unit isn't expressive enough for you, consider using [[|FiveAM]].
 +To run tests written with FiveAM (1) load the tests asdf package, (2) change to the corresponding Lisp package in the REPL and (3) execute ''(run!)''. If ''(run!)'' doesn't do anything automatically, try specifying the test suite name: ''(run! 'MY_TEST_SUITE_NAME)''. You can find the name by ''rgrep''-ing ''(def-suite'' in your ASDF package.