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tutorials:intermediate:fetch_deliver_plans [2019/07/16 11:51] – [Projection process modules] tlippstutorials:intermediate:fetch_deliver_plans [2022/07/04 12:31] (current) – [search-for-object] khoshnam
Line 242: Line 242:
 We do this by loading the packages ''cram_pr2_pick_and_place'' and ''cram_bullet_world_tutorial'' ... We do this by loading the packages ''cram_pr2_pick_and_place'' and ''cram_bullet_world_tutorial'' ...
 <code lisp> <code lisp>
-(ros-load:load-system "cram_pr2_pick_and_place" :cram_pr2_pick_and_place+(ros-load:load-system "cram_pr2_pick_place_demo" :cram-pr2-pick-place-demo
-(ros-load:load-system "cram_bullet_world_tutorial" :cram_bullet_world_tutorial)+(ros-load:load-system "cram_bullet_world_tutorial" :cram-bullet-world-tutorial)
 </code> </code>
 ... and call the following functions: ... and call the following functions:
-<code>+<code lisp>
 (in-package :cram-bullet-world-tutorial) (in-package :cram-bullet-world-tutorial)
 (roslisp-utilities:startup-ros) (roslisp-utilities:startup-ros)
Line 298: Line 298:
 ;; location desigs can turn NILL in the course of execution ;; location desigs can turn NILL in the course of execution
 ;; but should not be passed as NILL to start with. ;; but should not be passed as NILL to start with.
-(type (or desig:location-designator null) ?search-location ?robot-location))+(type (or desig:location-designator null) ?search-location ?robot-location)))
 "Searches for `?object-designator' in its likely location `?search-location'. "Searches for `?object-designator' in its likely location `?search-location'.
 If the object is not there or navigation location is unreachable, If the object is not there or navigation location is unreachable,